Django on Windows

Michael Manfre


Presenter Notes

This talk will go over how I host a production Django site on windows, some the problems we faced, and decisions we made along the way.

Plenty of time for questions at the end.

Michael Manfre

Developer at Semiconductor Research Corporation ®

Pioneers in research collaboration ™

Maintainer of django-mssql

Django database backend for Microsoft SQL Server

Developer at Brewed By Us, LLC - Social home brewing web site to create and share recipes, edit and evolve them, and keep a journal so you can keep a record of your brewing journey.

Manfre LLC

IT consultant and custom software development with various languages and frameworks.

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Semiconductor Research Corporation ®

"Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) is the world's leading technology research consortium. With member companies and university research programs spanning the globe, SRC plays an indispensable part in the R&D strategies of the industry's most influential entities. SRC-sponsored university research is of the highest caliber and creates knowledge breakthroughs that will invent the industries of tomorrow."

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Web site purpose

  • Knowledge transfer
    • Publications
    • Reporting
    • Track research progress
    • Member feedback
  • Meetings & events
  • Student CV and recruitment

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SRC's current web site

SRC homepage screenshot

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Powered By

  • Apache
  • Django 1.4.2
  • HAProxy (Ubuntu)
  • Memcached
  • Mercurial (Hg)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008r2
  • nAnt
  • PowerShell
  • RedGate SQL schema and data compare
  • Windows

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Why Windows?

  • Windows shop
    • IT knowledge
  • Legacy Business Database on MS SQL
    • Triggers, user funcs, stored procs, SSIS, SSRS
    • Replication not an option (tech limitations and historical business reasons)
  • Didn't have a choice

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Why Django?

  • Previous iteration of site was VB6
  • ASP.NET workflow is a bit slower and heavier
  • Faster prototyping
  • Possibly more reasons, but decision made before I was hired

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Why SQL Server?

  • Legacy business database
  • Avoid extra database replication services
  • SQL Server (master) <--> OpenVMS --> SQL Server (www)
    • SSIS jobs pump data from www to OpenVMS and master

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Secondary factors against Django supported database. Oracle: Price; Postgresql: Needed Cygwin; MySQL: Feature limited;

SQL Server database backends



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Future of Django-mssql

  • Will maintain support for any Django version still supported with security patches
  • Support Python 3
  • 100% Pass Django test suite by Django 1.6
    • Currently 13 failures, 13 errors
  • Improve performance
  • MSSQL sugar
    • raw_callproc
  • Continue to improve documentation

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HTTP server choices

Three main questions

  1. Can it run as a service without extra tools?
  2. Does it have any known issues that impact the project? (they all have issues)
  3. Is the windows build actively maintained and supported?

On Windows...

Server Runs as Service Known Issues Actively Supported
Apache Yes No Yes
IIS Yes No [1] Yes
nginx No Yes [2] Yes
Lighttpd Yes Yes [3] No
[1]Difficulty with automated build enviroment caused by changes between the various versions of IIS. Each OS and sometimes service pack provides a different IIS version.
[2]Orphans worker processes.
[3]Several documented issues in release notes at time of evaluation in 2009-2010. Windows build no longer actively maintained.

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Apache on Windows

  • Actively maintained
  • Lots of features
    • Can proxy if HAProxy or other option not available
  • More resource heavy than other options
  • MPM: mpm_winnt
    • One process, many threads
  • mod_wsgi
LoadModule wsgi_module "D:/web/modules/"

<IfModule wsgi_module>
    WSGIScriptAlias / "D:/web/@SERVER_NAME@.wsgi"
    WSGIPassAuthorization On

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Useful Apache Modules


Fixes client IP for Apache sitting behind one or more trusted proxies.
LoadModule log_rotate_module "D:/web/modules/"

<IfModule rpaf_module>
    RPAFenable On
    RPAFsethostname On
    #             localhost
    RPAFheader X-Forwarded-For


Serve files gated by Django.
LoadModule xsendfile_module "D:/web/modules/"

<IfModule xsendfile_module>
    XSendFile on
    XSendFilePath "E:/"
    XSendFilePath "//file_server/unc/path"
    XSendFileIgnoreLastModified on
    XSendFileIgnoreEtag on

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Understanding the GIL

  • Most pages have lots of IO
    • Network (Request/Response)
    • Cache
    • Database
    • Disk (Templates)
  • "Understanding the GIL" - David Beazley
    • Threads release their lock when blocking for IO
Dear SRC,
Congratulations on launching your new site. Sorry it buckled under non-peak load.
Global Interpreter Lock

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Faking Process Based MPM

Web farm on a box

  • Load balancing Apache instance
    • HAProxy is a better option
  • N-worker instances
  • When worker crashes, site is still online
  • Configuration is ready to scale
Web Farm

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Load balancing Apache instance

Basic balancer config

<Proxy balancer://cluster>
    BalancerMember smax=3 max=10 ttl=120 route=www_1
    BalancerMember smax=3 max=10 ttl=120 route=www_2
    BalancerMember smax=3 max=10 ttl=120 route=www_3

ProxyPass / balancer://cluster/
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster/
  • Serves static files
  • Responsible for web logs
  • mod_proxy modules have been known to leak memory
  • SSL endpoint
  • Rewrite rules

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Apache worker instances

  • Configure to behave like a WSGI daemon

    • Apache balancer should handle everything not needed by Django project
  • Disable logging

    LogFormat " " empty
    # Below will never output anything, but it will create an empty file
    CustomLog "D:/logs/carme/apache/access-1.log" empty env=NOTHING_IS_LOGGED
  • If using HAProxy

    • Include rewrite rules
    • Add a stand alone instance for static content

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Build and Deploy

CCTray with builds

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  • Always create virtualenv with --system-site-packages due to pywin32
    • Many DLL python packages will not install properly in to a virtualenv.
virtualenv env --system-site-packages
  • pywin32 installer issues with some version.
    • Only install for one python version on a machine

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Virtualenv Wrapper


Windows port of virtualenvwrapper.


pip install virtualenvwrapper virtualenvwrapper-win

Create virtualenv

mkvirtualenv myproject --system-site-packages

Switch virtualenv

C:\> workon myproject
(myproject) C:\>

Leave virtualenv

(myproject) C:\> deactivate

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Unit Tests

Test actual schema or fake logic?

  • Computed Fields
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Views

Custom create_test_db management command

> python create_test_db
Bouncing database test_db_name
Dropping database test_db_name
Creating database test_db_name
Finding Files: <path pattern>
Reading File: <file-1>
Reading File: <file-n>
... repeats previous Finding and Reading many times ...
Loading Seed Data

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Django-mssql TEST_CREATE Setting

    'default': {
        'NAME': 'test_db_name',
        'HOST': r'servername\ss2008',
        'TEST_NAME': 'test_db_name',
        'TEST_CREATE': False,

Run tests normally

> python test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Skipping Test DB creation

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Skipping Test DB destruction

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Questions And Feedback

Manfre's avatar

Michael Manfre

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